Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

she was lonely and she killed herself. she didnt see the slender man, they said. she was just a lonely child.

and after that, our marriage fell apart. i started drinking and olga...olga cheated on me.

they showed me pictures.

i remember.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

how did hazel die? she killed herself.

they showed me pictures. theyre trying to break me.

why did she kill herself? slenderman did it.

why did she kill herself? paleman did it.

why did she kill herself? shut up shut up shut up

what are you running from?

Monday, March 26, 2012

why didnt we have any children? we had a child. she died.

hazel. hazel hazel hazel.

they showed me her picture. i spit in their faces.

please let me go.

i didnt kill her.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

i didn't kill her i didn't kill her i didn't kill her i didnt kill her i didnt kill her ididntkillher ididntkillher ididntkillherididntkillherididntkillherididntkillerididkillerididkilleridid
what are you running from they asked
and they gave me the answer:
the past

slender man doesn't exist they say
its all the past

fuck you
i don't believe you
fuck you

i didn't kill her

Thursday, March 22, 2012


"What are you running from?" they asked.

They strapped me down on the chair again and showed me more movies. This time, they were spliced in with news footage. Footage from my wife's murder. Footage accusing me of killing her.

They showed me doctored photographs of her and the "teacher" she was supposedly having an affair with. Of course they were faked. Anyone with Photoshop can fake a photograph these days.

They showed me interviews with "witnesses." I heard people call me "crazed" and "wild" and "wife beater." They showed me faked footage of me wielding an axe. I wanted to scream at them, but I stayed silent. I didn't want them to have the satisfaction. Eventually, I just closed my eyes.

And then they stopped. They turned off the lights and they asked me "What are you running from?"

"The Slender Man," I said. "I'm running from the Slender Man, you morons."

"What are you running from?"

They weren't going to listen to me. They were trying to trick me. It wasn't any use.

"What are you running from?"

I yelled at them to shut up. I yelled at them to let me go. I just yelled.

"What are you running from?"

The straps on the chair got tighter and the projector starting showing images of Olga. Olga from before she died. Olga's lifeless body. Olga's autopsy. Olga smiling.

"What are you running from?"

They started flashing Olga's picture, back and forth, alive and dead. Olga alive, Olga dead. Olga alive, Olga dead.

"What are you running from?"

I pulled away from the straps as they dug into my arms. I tried to break the goddamn chair. I screamed as loud as I could. Still, the image of her cold and pale face stayed on the wall, as if she was the one asking the question.

What are you running from?

What are you running from?

What are you running from?